Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nov 27, 2011

Coach Josie "Big Hands and Feet"

When I was in High school I had hopes of being a very tall person which consequently didn’t ever happen. I had these hopes because I had a coach by the name of Coach Josie who told me on more than one occasion that I would grow tall because I had big feet and big hands. Well apparently the rest of my body never got the message and I even later blamed it to be possibly caused by my thyroid, which controls the growth hormones. I was diagnosed with thyroid disease several years after I had been married when a goiter began growing on my neck in the thyroids. I thought that it was only on the right side until many years later when I had a scan and was told that the left side was actually bigger but was just growing inward. It has never really been a problem and in fact people never notice it until I point it out during discussions about the thyroids and their function. Doctors have told me they can be removed but that it would only be for cosmetic reasons since they don’t cause other problems such as swallowing difficulties.  It was interesting to that when Marie first noticed it that we had been to visit Lynn the weekend before because he was diagnosed with the thyroid disease and they killed his causing him to have to take medication each day to replace the thyroxin that they normally produce. Since then I have been put on the same medication even though my thyroids still produce thyroxin only my medication is to prevent the thyroids from over producing where his were under producing and causing extreme tiredness and lack of energy. Apparently the fact that I always had so much energy must have been because mine worked overtime as it seemed.