Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 5, 2010

Did you ever feel a hatred for another person? Explain.

Having grown up in a small town it was not easy to hate someone else because by so doing you did away with one of your very few friends. In other words there were not enough people to have friends pushed away by disliking them. There was however one young man that I strongly disliked for many years even though by the time I graduated even that was gone. It was the boy I have told about before who, as a third grader, he beat me up , a sixth grader. I had to ride the bus with he and his brother every day but thank goodness I had a best friend, Jon, whom I sat by each time because he got on the bus first in the morning and got off last at night, in fact his stop was just before our stop in the morning and the next one after us at night. It was his friendship that gave me a way to avoid Jay and as we got older things seemed to work out to where we did become friends. That was probably because I started to go to his house with hs brother that was my age, Dale, and we would play together. I really do not know why we had the fight or why he disliked me but it really didn’t matter as we grew older.