Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aug 27, 2011 Happy 30th Tia


What were the most difficult choices you ever had to make? How do feel about the results of your decisions?
It is interesting that as I look back over my life I have really not had a lot of “Difficult” choices to make. It seems to me that the usual difficult choices were very easy for me. For instance, whether to go on a mission or not. It was easy and I just did it knowing that it was what the Lord expected of me. Whether to get married to Marie or not.  That was a no brainer for me even though it was more difficult for her since she wanted to go on a mission and marriage would put a stop to that. Whether to have children and how many was not hard either. I felt the Lord would help us to know when to stop and it was Marie that really knew when it was time. I am thankful for each of the children that we had and grateful to the Lord for allowing us to have them.
Some of my hardest decisions have probably been in whether or not to have insurance when I have been out of jobs where it was offered. It is not easy to be without it when accidents can happen so quickly and things change so quickly such as when Loren was diagnosed with Diabetes and we were not covered. He needed to be in the hospital but I had to get some kind of insurance before that could happen. It only took a few hours and the Lord had us with the help we needed and he was able to get the care he needed.