Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Snow 2014

You see it in movies all the time when the 
ground is brown and at the end of the movie 
the magic happens and it starts to snow.

Well it did it this year for real.
No snow on Christmas Eve but during the night 
before we awoke it had started to snow

and it continued all day. 
We ended with over a foot of snow fall.

Christmas Eve play and presents

For Christmas eve Loren's children acted out the 
Christmas Story as Loren read it from the scriptures.

An angel in the making

The angels

The baby's guardian angel

Mary the mother

Angels visiting the shepherds

An angel 
 another angel

The wisemen

And then we got to open a present before bedtime

Kyle was showing his stacking abilities

New PJ's

 The hat was perfect except he didn't want it on

Toy animals for bedtime