Monday, September 5, 2011

Sept 5, 2011

How would you describe your sense of humor?
The same as that of my siblings.
I would describe it far differently than my children would but either way I love to have fun and so my sense of humor is one filled with fun. I have made far to much use of puns but do find it interesting how the English language has so many different uses for the same words. I do like to try and make others smile and that is probably why I use everything possible except vulgar references to the body to make it happen. I think though that as my children grow older that even though they have always made fun of my sense of humor that they are starting to mirror it in their own personalities, (this despite the fact that they don’t think it to be so). Sorry kids it is just a fact of life and as you grow older you will also mirror each other more and more in your actions and talk. It makes me wonder how much we get from our Heavenly Father and really don’t realize it either. Does he love to make people laugh, well I think so and I hope I have learned some of that from Him.