Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mar 05, 2010

Tell about how you spent your Saturdays during the school year.

Most of the time I sent Saturdays either doing scouting, doing the wash with mom, or doing extra chores like cleaning out the barn. I really don’t remember a whole lot about Saturdays other than getting up a little later, 7 instead of 6, to go out and milk the cows. Then after breakfast we usually had to take our dirty clothes up to the back porch where we helped mom do the wash and hang out the clothes on the outside clothesline in the warmer months and inside drying racks in the colder months. Then on some Saturdays I would go out to the barn and wash out the gutter where the cows always had to go while we were milking them. If it wasn’t cleaned out every week then it became pretty rank and you couldn’t sit next to it while milking the cows. (A slight design problem on the cows I believe.) Of course it was also that way on goats also even though goats didn’t get quite as much relief when their load was dropped since it was a lot smaller that what a cow could produce. I never had to milk the goats actually since we had sold them before I got very old but I do remember dad milking them quite often as I watched. In the spring some of the Saturdays were spent plowing and planting the garden. Needless to say there was always something to do around the farm and occasionally I would get to go hunting rabbits with my friend and our .22 rifles. I do remember a couple of times that we would go arrowhead hunting as well with Mrs. Rasmussen, our neighbor, since she really was good at knowing where to go. We also spent a couple Saturdays with her finding petrified wood as well. So it wasn’t always work just most always.