Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sept. 10, 2011

Have you ever met any famous people? Describe what happened.
This person is somewhat famous if you are LDS. Marie and  went tot an adult overnight activity to Sundance Lodge owned by the church and ran by BYU. It was an evening of dinner and then a special guest speaker, overnight stay and breakfast the next morning before returning to our families
Well one of the church’s general authorities was in attendance since he was the brother of Sister Janet Christensen and Brother Paul Christensen was in the bishopric so they invited Elder Marion “Duff” Hanks to be the special guest. I was seated across the table from Duff as I came to know him since that was how Paul and Janet referred to him. He and I got to talking and of course he asked what my current position was in the church and I explained that I was the Varsity Scout Leader and Teacher’s Quorum advisor.  I told him how many young men I had in the quorum and that we were getting fairly good attendance and then he related how as a young men’s advisor they worked until they had 100% activity from every boy. He then challenged me to do the same which was a goal I had established for myself as well prior to that time. It was fun though to get to know him and not just his name because of the talks that he gave in general conference. I enjoyed our chat very much and have never forgotten it.