Monday, December 2, 2013

Dec 1, 2013 Kate Averett Blessing Day

We had a very nice dinner after Kate was blessed by her father on 
Sunday Dec 1, 2013.
Here are images of the family before, during, and after we ate.

Uncle Scott, Greatgrandpa Averett, Uncle Kevin
 Aunt Alisa

 Uncle Brian
 Aunt Tia and Kate

 Uncle Ben
Uncle Chad 

 Kate wore her mother's baby blessing dress.
 Grandpa Mike Averett

 Kate, Cat, and Tia

 Uncle Kevin
Big Brother Alex

 It was a great day for eating out even though it was Dec 1.
 Uncle Ben holding Kate

 Family picture time.
Brittany, Kate, Jeffrey and Alex.

Kate and Brittany
 Kate in her mother's dress
 Jeffrey and Kate
 Alex throwing a ball
 Cousin Gabe

 She caught a couple of short naps while we were there.

 Sam and Kate
 Ben, Gabe and Kate