Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec 11, 2010

Were you ever in a church or school or Holiday pageant?

I remember a lot of plays that I was in when I was in Mutual and school. I don't remember any pageant however even though I am sure I had to have been in them at one point of time. I remember being in May Day programs and in July 24th parades but I don't remember ever being in a Christmas Pageant.

Dec 10, 2010

Tell about something that you built, designed, or made as a youth.

Well as I think about it I made hay stacks probably the most of anything. Every summer we would build two or three of them and only once did it fall over. I think I have told about that day already.

Dec 9, 2010

What did you like to look at there?

I already answered this on the last blog. I need to read ahead a little more.