Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mar 24, 2011

How did you like school?

I enjoyed school except for the homework but we really didn't have very much homework other than spelling and reading that we had to do in when in elementary school. Then by the time I was in High school i learned how to get it done at school so I seldom even took any homework home with me. It was quite different when I got into college however and was quite a shock.

Mar 23, 2011

Where did you attend junior high and high school?

I didn't attend junior high, too smart for that, so I just jumped from 6th grade to 7th grade which was a part of high school in Duchesne. I never even knew that there were such things as middle or junior high schools, just elementary and high schools. Our whole district was like that as far as I know including Roosevelt and even Vernal (it was in a different district) as far as I know.

Mar 22, 2011

What subjects or programs do you remember?

I remember doing various programs where we learned songs and sang them for an assembly. I remember spelling, reading, writing and math. I did pretty good in math and science as I remember but not so well in English and spelling. We had May Day programs,  Halloween carnivals and Christmas programs. I generally liked school quite a lot.

Mar 21, 2011

Did you ever skip school?

That's an easy one to answer so let me see how much I can write before giving the obvious answer considering that Dad worked for the school district and Mom worked as a teacher in the same school where I attended. So the answer is "No".  I was sick a couple of times and glad that I got to stay home but as far as skipping school on purpose well that was out of the question.