Sunday, February 27, 2022

Disney Trip-Day #4- 2 Waiting for the gates to open

We left the hotel around 8:30 to arrive 
at the gates before a larger crowd arrived.
It really didn't work since it was a holiday
and lots of people went to Disneyland that day'

Lily was happy that morning.
And it was a little bit rainy so we put on our
rain gear.

They were playing with Lily through the
mesh window in her stroller.
Jeff didn't need rain gear.
It really wasn't coming down very hard 
or very much.

Disney Trip-Day #4- 1 Firehouse

The Firehouse
Marie and I learned after we had returned that 
there is a lamp that has the light always turned on
in the window of the firehouse.
Well without knowing it I found that I had
taken a picture of it.
Loved playing in the old fire wagon

Zoey, Grandma, Kate and Bria