Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dec 14, 2010

Did you hang a Christmas stocking?

Yes, kinda. We never had a fireplace so we would each get a spot in the room where we could put one. Usually a chair or on the couch. We would always look forward to going to our socks and I remember the two things that we could always count on being in the sock were an orange and a small thought book from mom and dad. I don't really remember when I stopped believing in Santa Claus and maybe that was because I knew mom and dad were always a part of it since they apparently gave the books to him to put into the sock.

Dec 13, 2010

How did you decorate your trees?

We always made fresh popcorn strings. We would make a long string and then put it around the tree. It usually would reach around several times due to the length that we would make them. We would also put the glass balls on the tree and also hang an incredible amount of tinsel (which we would have to remove string by string as well). There would be the few and far between ornaments that we would make in school that would be hung on the tree as well.

Dec 12, 2010

When did you put up your Christmas tree? Where did you get them?

We usually put up the tree about two weeks before Christmas. We would either go cut down a tree (cedar) on the hillside above our home or we would buy one from the Scouts who would sell them for fund raisers. I even was a part of going after those trees for a couple of years. It was always nice to have the smell of fresh cut trees in the home but in our married years we had to buy a fake one that would last for several years due to the raising costs of the fresh trees , that around here were never fresh.