Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 22, 2010 Happy Birthday, Brittany

What is the biggest physical problem that you had to deal with.

Perthes Disease

Perthes is a condition in children characterized by a temporary loss of blood supply to the hip. Without an adequate blood supply, the rounded head of the femur (the " ball " of the " ball and socket " joint of the hip) dies. The area becomes intensely inflamed and irritated.

Although the term 'disease' is still used, Perthes is really a complex process of stages. Treatment of Perthes may require periods of immobilization or limitations on usual activities. The long-term prognosis is good in most cases. After 18 months to 2 years of treatment, most children return to normal activities without major limitations.

Perthes disease usually is seen in children between 4 years and 10 years of age. It is five times more common in boys than in girls. It was originally described nearly a century ago as a peculiar form of childhood arthritis of the hips.

The above quote from the internet is the explanation of a disease that I had at age three. Clair had it also at age two I believe. The thing that sticks in my mind about this disease was the fact that I had a brace that attached to my waist at the top and to a shoe at the bottom. My bedroom at the time was upstairs and the brace kept my leg straight so that I could not bend it at the knee. However by standing to the left side of the stairs I could swing my leg up to the next step and swing up by bracing my body against the wall. Later I was even able to do it without having to lean against the wall. Although I only wore the brace for a year or so it affected my walking in such a way that I had to wear special corrective shoes until I was 19 years old to keep me from walking over one side of the shoe.