Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dec 26, 2010

Share any other Christmas memory.

I don't remember any other specifics right now. I have told about the books and guns and the homemade and boughten gifts. About the grandparents, other relatives, siblings and children's involvement. I have not remembered a lot and forgotten even a lot more but the one most consistent thing through the years has been the joys and laughter as families have gotten together because of this special time of year. It is therefore a good time to once again bear testimony of the truth of this event as recorded in the Holy Scriptures and through the histories of recorded time. It is hard to know the real truth concerning all of the events, for instance, were there three wise men or four or were there three gifts that were given by just a couple of them. Were they there the night of His birth as depicted in the stable scenes each year or was he nearing his second birthday since we know that it was recorded that the King ordered all male children 2 years and younger to be killed when the wise men didn't return to tell him where the child lived. Did the wise men thus follow the star for two years or did their journey only last 11 days. We don't know any of the real answers to most of these question only that it actually happened and even that is questioned by many today.
Well I for one know that it did happen and not at Christmas time as decided by a pagan king. It did occur and the most important king of all was born, lived and died then raised from the dead to make it possible for all of us to return to our Heavenly father into His Kingdom to live forever with them as a family. We can also become like our Father there and have eternal increase just as he has. I don't comprehend all of this but know that it is our promise from Him to whom we owe total and complete reverence, respect and love. I look forward to meeting them even though I do not know all of the details of how that will happen only that it will and I am working hard to be ready for that day. I do know that God lives, that Christ is my Savior, that the Book of Mormon is the most correct book on the earth and the truths contained in it are true and with the Bible they stand to prove all other religions are not true no matter where in the world they were created. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet called to restore this glorious truth and that Pres Monson is a true and living prophet toady for us. It has been my special opportunity to work with his son Clark Monson and through that relationship learned how very real Pres Thomas Monson is as a father and leader of the church. He is so special to each of us as has been all of the prophets that I have had the opportunity to know during my life beginning with Pres. McKay. This is the only true church on the face of the earth and it is rolling forth throughout the earth to grow in all nations until Jesus Christ can return as our King on this earth. I know this to be true and write it in the name of Him whose life we celebrate each year at this time even Jesus Christ, our Brother. Amen

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