Monday, November 7, 2011

Nov. 7, 2011

Electronics club photo and my tennis shoes.

   There are times when you do something and fear not the wrath of any consequences because, well , you just don’t expect any and that is the way it was for me when the yearbook photographer at Snow college came into the Electronics lab and asked to take our Electronics Club photo.
I took electronics for two years at Snow College. One before my mission when I spent quite a lot of time there but still had Music Appreciation class and other generals that had to be taken which took me out of that room. The second year though after my mission was when I spent pretty much the entire day in that room from 8 am till 5 or 6 pm. I had one welding class that I remember that was next door in the welding lab in the same Applied Sciences building. I usually wore not the best of clothes to the lab because there were no girls that had to be impressed in there and they were just plain more comfortable which was a major concern when spending the entire day in one room. I also didn’t care what I wore on my feet and always tried to get the most out of my clothing and consequently wore them until there holes in the shoes and about to be holes in the other articles of clothing. I never could let myself wear any clothes with holes in them especially the pants. That just wasn’t appropriate in those days and of course still isn’t appropriate today even though many manufacturers take great pride in turning them out of their factories in just such a manner. Shoes however were cover by the pants and with air coming in to circulate around the toes made them easier to wear for several hours in the lab as well and I didn’t care if a hot spark would land on them and burn them in the welding lab, they were worn out and it just didn’t matter if another small hole would get burned into them which did happen on occasion.
Well the day of the photo came just like any other and I didn’t know the picture would actually happen that day until the photographer came in and seated us in a group photo. I was the smallest in the group and thus I was appointed to be the one in the center. Some were standing and others sitting to each side of me as I remember in the photograph, (which I hope to add to this story).  I ended up in the center and on a stool so of course my feet wouldn’t reach the floor so they were put on the 1st rung of the stool instead. Yes you have probably guessed it by now but those ventilated shoes were almost the main point of attention in the photograph as it appeared in the yearbook. At least in my mother’s eyes it was the only thing that could be seen in the photograph and for years it had mortified her, in fact it probably did until the day she died. (Something she felt like doing every time she saw that picture or when it came up in a conversation.) Every time it was mentioned my mother would again remind me that I should have gotten rid of the tennis shoes long before it ever came to that point.

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