Sunday, July 10, 2011

June 23, 2011

I don't know if I am going to ever catch up on these questions.
Were there any unique circumstances surrounding their births?
Since he was our first and not due for three more weeks it was a bit unusual to have to go to the hospital at around 4 AM to see what was wrong. Well nothing was wrong and the nurse said to Marie as we were wheeling her down the hall in a wheelchair that “You will be laughing at the doctor in a little while. This baby wants to come now.” (or sometning to that effect.)  Anyway he was born soon there after and after being with Marie for a couple of hours I had to go to work and drive to fix TV’s. I got some time off later to be able to stay home with her for a few days but the boss needed me that particular day pretty bad or so he said.
Jeff was due around the around the 17th or so of Oct. So Marie and I went to a movie, Windwalker, on a Saturday evening since she didn’t appear to be getting close to having the baby. When we got home we were called again by Clair and told that dad had gone to the hospital that night with a stroke. So the next morning we headed to Roosevelt to visit  dad and when we got to the hospital the nurses wanted to get a wheelchair for Marie and we had to explain that we were not there to have a baby delivered but rather to visit dad. He had been scheduled to came and stay with Ben while Marie and I went to the hospital to have the baby. (Note: I refer to them as “baby” since back then we had no idea of the gender until they are born.) Jeff was later born on Halloween and dad was unable to come since he was still in the hospital.
The most unusual part of his birth was the fact that Marie was sure she was going to have a girl since everything during the pregnancy was so different from the first two. Needless to say she was a bit surprised when it was a boy.
Marie was pretty well set on the fact that we would just have all boys and so when Nadine suggested we do the ring test and it said girl she wasn’t ready to believe it. Well the ring test was correct and she had our first very cute baby girl. Since the boys were old enough to help pick a name and we had been watching “Escape to Witch Mountain” they wanted to name her the same as the girl in the movie “Tia”. We did and then later found out that in Spanish it means “Aunt” . Now all of her nieces and nephews can call her “Tia Tia.”
The most unusual part of Loren’s birth was the fact that he was also overdue and while Marie was in the labor room , which was actually a room just for her, she had a dream that we had lost him during delivery. Well complications began to arise and the nurses said that we had to get him out now since she had been in delivery for almost 14 hours by then. As they wheeled to bed to the delivery room she frantically looked at me and said, “Don’t let us loose this baby.” He was born soon after that and weighed 10 lbs. But he was healthy and we were so glad to have him here.
For her the unusual circumstances were in the fact that Marie started to bleed and she almost miscarried at around four or so months. Marie then stopped working so hard and slowed down and was able to then carry her full term. However there was one other thing that happened around her birth and that was that Grandma Behrmann passed away from a stroke on March 17th just a little over a month before Brittany was born. Then a year later in May of 1988 the wards were divided and we were put into the first ward so that Marie’s  best friend at that time was still in the 4th ward. We were able to still remain friends with the Averett’s but for Marie she lost a year because she has always thought that those dramatic events all happened within a two month period. Interesting that Brittany would marry the baby (Jeffrey) that Joan had just several months the wards were divided.

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