Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2, 2011

Do you have any special memories of holidays or family reunions?

I have mentioned our holiday memories before but I have not always mentioned much about family reunions.
The first reunions that I can remember on my Poulson side were held in Duchesne. The one or two that I can remember are probably mixed into one memory but it was pretty good. We had it at our home and at the fireplace in the yard. I remember most however the fact that Dad, Milton, and Ned all three laid down on the grass with their cowboy or other hats covering their faces and going to sleep. I remember wondering how they could do that but have since learned that it was pretty darn easy.
Later years we held several more reunions at Uncle Tennis's home in Orem. We had a lot of fun at those as well and in fact it was held around their outdoor fireplace as well. I had a lot of second cousins that were my age and didn't know the difference until I was much older.
The Hansen reunions were always held at Centerfield where Grandma and Grandpa lived. It was always a long trip but worth it and then even longer to go on down to Circleville to Uncle Carlings which we would often do as well. I remember Grandma and Grandpa always coming out of the door to meet us and it was always worth a great big hug as well. It was always fun to play Red Rover and other games outside with with my cousins. It was fun and they were my first cousins on that side of the family. There were a lot of cousins and we always had a lot of fun together.

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