Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mar 16, 2011

The traveling Cactus or was it a chunky bar?

Recently there was a Chunky Bar that was traveling back and forth between Dawna and Tia. It would end up somewhere in their possession and then the other would try to sneak it back. Well recently it has escalated and become a neighborhood traveling Cactus Plant in a jar. Rance Hutchings was reported to have been having a contest with Greg Jones, or at least their families, as to who was the best neighbor to Scott and Dawna. It was said that Rance took some horse, well road apples as we refer to them in scouting, and put them onto Scott's porch then later went and gave them a candy bar to show who was the best neighbor while making it appear that the Jones had given the road apples to them. Well we were at Britt's the other night when Vickie Hutchings brought them supper as her visiting teacher. We then got into the discussion about the road apples and Vickie explained that he had thought about doing it but didn't actually do it. So anyway we ended up giving Vickie the Cruchy bar so Rance could give it to Dawna which he did by slipping it into Dawna's purse. Well she then went to St George and the candy bar melted in her purse. Well while that was going on we went to a silent auction where an older lady had donated a large cactus in a large potting plant. (By large I mean it was about 3 feet tall and with the cactus it was closer to five foot.) Anyway Marie was told about the story and then suddenly decided to have me buy it and out it on Dawna's doorstep.  So I put a bid of $5.oo and was the only bid. We then tied it into Scott's truck with a set of jumper cables that Jeff A had in his car. we had no other ropes or twine with which to secure it on the ride from Springville to Dawna's. This all took place on Saturday evening. 
Sunday evening we were headed to a fireside in Provo and saw Dawna so decided to take her mail to her that we had collected while they were in ST George. Dawna then told us about the Cactus that Rance had left on her porch and she didn't want to offend him so she didn't quite dare do anything to it. She said that the tournament they had been playing in was called the Cactus Tournament and figured that he must have given it to them as a gift for winning the tournament. But he couldn't possibly think that I would like it.
Monday night Dawna and Scott had a reunion with the past Bishopric from the singles ward and expected to have a lesson on gratitude and figured that they would mention it by the end of the lesson but nothing was said. So finally today Dawna went down to Rance's and confronted him with it only to find out that he knew nothing about it. So they then went to Greg abd Vickie's where Rance proceeded to blame it on Vickie. He even said that she must have played poker and could hold a poker face but finally figured out that she really was innocent. They then called Tia as she was finishing up at work so she really didn't pay attention as to what they were saying but she did say that she had written the note but she didn't put the cactus on the porch. Tia d then called Marie and told her what had happened and while they were talking could see in a reflection in the picture in the front room that someone was coming to the front door. She hung up quickly and we went out to see them, I noticed as I went out that they seemed to be trying to get enough courage to come and knock on the door.  After we walked out to talk to them Hutchings then came to us and Rance thanked us very emphatically for throwing him under bus and then handed the note "Love from Hutchings" with a large chunky bar to us. We then talked about it awhile and finally told them that it was for a good cause and explained how we had come by the cactus in the first place. They then parted after we had laughed for sometime and we came back in to have supper. I then suggested that we take Dawna and Rance a cake. Well Dawna wasn't home so we took both of them to Hutchings and gave her one of them, She said I hope we didn't make you feel bad and we told her that we had quite enjoyed it. We then decided to take the second one to Jones. We then had a geat laugh with them as well and discovered that they didn't think that we would do it either but we admitted to them that we had and then related the whole story to them as to how it came to pass. They then informed us that it was now at Gary Miner's place with a note something like "Catus Tournament Trophy". I only wish now that I had a picture of it at each place as it starts to travel around taking with it a story that  all started as a gift sincerely given to help in a silent auction to pay for a young man to have an operation to restore his eyesight.

Now Tia and Britt please add your comments to help fill in the parts of the story that I have missed in writing this.

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