Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nov 11, 2010

Veteran's Day...
Name the veterans in your family and times during which they served.

I have had a number of relatives that have served in the military, only one of which I know was killed in action. that was a cousin who was killed in Viet Nam. However in my immediate family there are two of my brothers that have served in the military. Stan was in an Engineering Corp in Viet Nam and was discharged with an Honorable release. He developed double vision one morning that continued until he was finally sent to Denver to the VA hospital where he woke up one morning and it was gone. He was there for several months before that happened and I have always felt the Lord intervened to bring him home early. Stan was drafted into the military.

Clair was also in the military but he enlisted before being drafted. He was trained and served as a Military Police and served in Ft Ord in California. He was locked in the jail cell with several inmates once and was blessed to get out without harm. He enlisted because he had wanted a vocation in law enforcement. After he was discharged he became a Utah Highway Patrolman then became a Sherif's Deputy and then Sherif in Duchesne County. After he lost re-election too a crooked officer he was elected as a judge in the district court in Duchesne County where he is currently serving.

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