Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 20,2010

Share a birthday party memory.
(Here is the version from my history stories.)

15th Birthday Party.

I have had several birthday parties to remember but the first one that had left an impression far too strong to forget was my 15th one. As many of you know it is a standard in the church to not date before you are 16 years old so this birthday was pretty important since my girlfriend and I could not date. I remember going out to do chores and coming in to change my clothes and spend the evening doing I didn’t know what. As I entered the back porch and put away the milking items and the milk I started down the steps to the basement where my room was located. Little did I know that Marie Behrmann was scurrying as fast as she could to exit through my room and out the door on the other side so that I wouldn’t see her. She had come to throw a surprise birthday party for me and before long I was surrounded by several of my friends from school and of course my only true love Marie. I only remember Marie, Serena, and Don of my friends that were there and of course my sisters but I am sure that there must have been others. I only remember playing a couple of games as well but I will always remember being told how close I had come to seeing Marie at the bottom of those steps before I was suppose to know that she was even there. We started dating after she was 16 on the 16th of December a full year and a half later and I can’t remember if we even had a party for her but I know that now I am glad that she was willing to be my girlfriend and later my wife and eternal companion. We have both had a lot of birthdays since them and some of them with parties and I will always remember my 15th birthday party first when I think back on them.

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