Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feb 21, 2010

What is the biggest problem you remember having in grade school?

My biggest problem in grade school was probably my size. I didn’t have a lot of self esteem and my grades reflected it. I was basically a “C” grade student and quite scared to hold my own. I can’t forget the day that a neighbor who was in 3rd grade and somewhat bigger than me even though he was younger. One day just as our recess was coming to an end Jay lit into me and did a pretty good job of beating me up. It was more of an issue of hurt pride than physical hurt. He beat me up but it was in such a short amount of time that I really didn’t get the thrashing that I could have gotten. The worst part of it though was that we had the same name, only difference was it was my middle name not my first name as it was for him.

1 comment:

  1. For the longest time I couldn't think of anything and then it hit me. My Speech impetiment! That was horrible for the first 3 grades of school. Nothing more humiliating than not being able to say your name (or anything else for that matter). Course, I still have to repeat my name 10 times to people (as recently as yesterday) so maybe it still is an issue.


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