Marie in the Arrowhead hospital two weeks after my surgery.
Marie and I planned to go to Arizona to visit Hayden’s
family during part of her Spring Break since we knew it would probably be the
only time we could for several months. We decided to head as far as Las Vegas
after I got off work on Friday night. We secured a hotel room in the Howard
Johnson Inn Las Vegas Strip. We left home around 5 pm and drove fairly
easily to Vegas arriving at about 10:30 pm. We went into the hotel and were
given a room 141. We went for a walk, after getting our luggage into the
room, down and around the inside of the
hotel. We then went right back up to the room and to bed. We woke up early and
since there was no continental breakfast and the restaurant was not open until
10 am we just decided to leave. We got back onto I 515 and left going toward
Hoover Dam. We traveled and finally stopped for gas in Kingman, AZ.
We drove further on US 93 and thought that we were on the
right road until I noticed that the mountains ahead of us looked a lot like
those near Flagstaff. Well they were and we had missed our turnoff 23 miles
after Kingman. So we just continued toward Flagstaff and then went on I 70 to
Phoenix. Well right about the time we were passing the outskirts of Flagstaff
Marie mentioned to me that she had been bitten by something and the bites were
itching a little bit. I asked if she wanted to stop and get some Benedryl but
she said she could wait until we got to Hayden’s.
We arrived at Hayden’s and he was at another home studying
while Cheyenne and the children were at her Aunt’s home for an Easter
party. We decided to eat our lunch so we
took it into the backyard and then waited for about an hour until Cheyenne and
the children came home. (During that wait Hayden had called and we told him
about the bites and he and the other medical students he was studying with
suggested that we get some topical cream to put on the bites so we went to a
nearby Albertson’s and picked up some Benedryl cream which we applied to the
five bites she had received.)We then had an Easter Egg hunt for Hallie and
Leilah while Greyson napped. It was a lot of fun watching the girl’s look for
the eggs and treats.
Later that night after supper we started to discuss the bites with Hayden since
they seemed to be worse and we starting to swell and get red. I was worried
because the one on her right arm near her shoulder was getting really red and
looked as though it was going up her veins as well. I gave her a blessing since Hayden had lefty
to study again and we retired for the night. Well during the night they started
to blister over the bite area and when she was getting up the one on her back
We decided that we would need to get some medical help so
just before breakfast was ready I took her to a local Emergency Care and the
doctor there, Dr. Jeffers, told her he was going to send her to ER. She
immediately said she wouldn’t go so he discussed the possibility of giving her
some antibacterial pills to send home with her but finally she decided to go to
the ER at Arrowhead hospital just a few miles away.
I took her to the ER and Dr Ronald K Sterrenberg there decided to have a
second Doctor come in and look at her as well. They both decided that she would
have to be admitted and given the medications directly into her blood stream if
they were going to be able to stop the bacteria from spreading through her
body. They decided that she had Cellulitus. She was not happy.
We were taken to a room on the third floor (303) and spent
the rest of the day there and through the night until Monday afternoon. The Dr Vic also decided to have a second doctor look at her
since it really puzzled them why she would have swelling on both arms not just
one. They decided that it had to be bacteria from her skin that had gone into
the body through the bites or that maybe she was just allergic to the bite
venom. He also had an infectious disease specialist come look at her Monday. He
saw the progress that she had made during the night and told her several, (many) times that she
was going to be fine. It made me think that he was worried about it spreading
to vital organs as well as I was and that they had been able to prevent that
and he was not concerned about that anymore. SO we were able to leave that
I had stayed the night with her in the hospital but the
nurse couldn’t find and bed or recliner for me to sleep on so I pulled the
three chairs in the room together and put some pillows on them and covered
myself with a blanket she had given me. I did not sleep very well at all but
did get some sleep before morning.
The bites had formed into blisters by Sunday morning but
they would only release the liquid from one on her right arm. The others they
told us not to touch. We wish we had now since the one where they removed the
liquid has all but disappeared while the others are all large scabs that look
like they will leave significant scars. Well for our four day visit with the children
we ended up having them visit us in the hospital instead for the first two full
It was not really a
lot of fun even though Hayden had brought the Hunger Games book over so I read
it to her while she lay in the bed. That ended up being a little bit fun.
Well for the rest of
the story about the oddities of this trip. We left Wednesday morning in plentu
of time to get home by 8 pm but at Kingman I didn’t look at the map again and
we ended up driving all of the way to Barstow CA before I figured out we were
way off track. It didn’t help that we were listening to a book on tape so the
time went very quickly. I kept thinking we were not on the right road but just
figured I was off in my calculations. Next time, if there is a next time for that
route which is supposed to be shorter, I will pay a lot more attention to the
roads I travel. So we didn’t get home until 11:30 pm and I was back up at 3:45
am to go to work. It was a long day.
Note: Tuesday April 16, 2913 I called the Inn and the lady
there assured me they had no bedbugs because they have Terminex come in every
month and spray for them. There was no way, she said, that they could have
bitten her there. I am not so convinced
myself. Any people coming in between the last application by Terminex could
have brought them with them anyway and they could have still been there.